US10316742 (B2) - Turbocharger assembly

Raphael Hettinger (Inventor), Frederic DAGUIN (Inventor), Raphael BOILEAU (Inventor), Magali CAPELLI (Inventor), Pascal Simon (Inventor), Nicolas GAINETON (Inventor), Erich BLUMENSCHEIN (Inventor), Michael REICHHART (Inventor), Georg Risch (Inventor), Lorenz Steinwender (Inventor), Florian Grün (Inventor), Istvan Gódor (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A turbocharger system can include a housing that includes a through bore, a plurality of lubricant bores, a plurality of lubricant bore to through bore openings and a recessed compressor-side surface that defines in part a passage that fluidly couples at least two of the lubricant bores; a rolling element bearing unit disposed at least in part in the through bore of the housing; and, a plate that covers at least a portion of the recessed compressor-side surface of the housing.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS10316742 (B2)
IPC F01D25/12; F01D25/16; F01D25/18; F01D25/24; F02B33/40; F02B39/14
Priority date13/05/16
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2017

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