Vergleich unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Charakterisierung von nichtmetallischen Einschlüssen in pulvermetallurgisch hergestellten Werkzeugstählen

Translated title of the contribution: Comparison of different methods for inclusion characterization in powder metallurgical tool steels

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


This thesis deals with applying different methods of cleanness analysis to powder metallurgical steels. In particular, one or more methods are to be determined which enable a specific detection of particularly large non metallic inclusions in these typically very clean steels. In a series of tests, which followed an intensive literature search, different well established characterization methods for conventional steels were tested on powder-metallurgically produced rod material. In the course of the work, a connection between the micro and the macro cleanness was found in the analyzed samples based on similar inclusion compositions. Furthermore, the relationship between the inclusion size and the fracturemechanical behavior of the specimens was examined, which agrees well with the findings in the literature. Finally, a combination of methods was found that provides the most comprehensive information in terms of cleanness for further research. Automated scanning electron microscopy, statistical evaluations of the obtained data, and analyses consisting of inclusion extraction with subsequent manual scanning electron microscopy are recommended.
Translated title of the contributionComparison of different methods for inclusion characterization in powder metallurgical tool steels
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Montanuniversität
  • Michelic, Susanne Katharina, Supervisor (internal)
Award date21 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

embargoed until 29-03-2027


  • inclusion analysis
  • powder metallurgy
  • high speed steel

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