Vergleich zweier druckaufgestickter, korrosionsbeständiger Stähle unterschiedlicher Herstelltechnologie

Translated title of the contribution: Comparison of two pressure nitrided, corrosion resistant steels produced by different technologies

Martin Hammer

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Due to his high nitrogen content, the steel X8CrMnMoN18-18-2 is a so called High Nitrogen Steel. In industrial scale this steel is produced via the PESR-process (Pressure-Electro-Slag-Remelting). Within the present work, the properties of a sample ingot which was remelted using a new slag technology are compared with conventionally remelted ingots. The required basics of the processes are discussed and summarised in the literature part. In the practical part, the sampling, the experimental procedure as well as the results are described. For the characterisation of the specific steel properties the microstructure, the nitrogen content and the cleanliness are analysed. As a further aspect, the relation between corrosion properties and cleanliness respectively nitrogen content has been observed in detail. The obtained results underline the potential of improving the steel properties using the new slag technology.
Translated title of the contributionComparison of two pressure nitrided, corrosion resistant steels produced by different technologies
Original languageGerman
  • Schützenhöfer, Wolfgang, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Michelic, Susanne Katharina, Co-Supervisor (internal)
  • Hasenhündl, Ronald, Co-Supervisor (external)
  • Schenk, Johannes, Supervisor (internal)
Award date18 Dec 2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Bibliographical note

embargoed until null


  • HNS nitrogen alloyed steel nitrogen corrosion corrosion resistant steel pressure elektroslag remelting PESR nonmetallic inlclusions

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