Verhalten der Spuren- und Begleitelemente in der LD-Stahlerzeugung

Translated title of the contribution: Behaviour of Trace and Tramp Elements in LD Steelmaking

Alfred Jungreithmeier

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


High-Tech steel grades require low levels of trace and tramp elements as these affect the characteristics of steel materials negatively already at small concentrations. In the past years charging conditions for production of High-Tech steel grades deteriorated gradually. One reason therefore is the increasing production of coated material, which consequently led to a rise of re-use as steel scrap. Continuous improvement of yield causes decreasing amount of home scrap and hence reduces the availability of that type of high quality scrap. The substitution of that missing quantity requires charging of low quality scrap. As the steel industry has to avoid land filling of waste materials, it is forced to re-charge that residual materials into steelmaking processes. This fact affects the charging situation negatively. Objective of that study is - under the mentioned restrictions - to investigate and evaluate the behaviour and interactions of trace and tramp elements for the processes at BOF, ladle furnace and RH-degasser and in steel, slag and dust. Out of that measures for minimisation of trace and tramp elements have to be derived.
Translated title of the contributionBehaviour of Trace and Tramp Elements in LD Steelmaking
Original languageGerman
  • Preßlinger, Hubert, Assessor B (external), External person
  • Krieger, Wilfried, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

no embargo


  • trace elements
  • tramp elements
  • BOF
  • BOF process
  • secondary metallurgy
  • ladle furnace
  • RH-degasser
  • coarse dust
  • fine dust
  • BOF slag
  • ladle slag
  • analysis method

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